Our Courses

Six Months Basic Computer Course

Basic Windows

  • Introduction to Computer
  • History of Computer
  • Classification of Computer
  • Generation of Computer
  • Components of Computer
  • Input and Output Devices
  • Memory
  • Secondary Storage Device
  • Software Introduction
  • File System
  • Virus and its types
  • Networking
  • Shortcut Keys
  • Introduction to Operating Systems
  • Introduction to Linux, Unix, Windows and Android
  • Installation of Windows xp , Windows 7,8,10.
  • Installation of Linux
  • Data Recovery From Formatted Hard disk
  • Download/Install/Usage of Antivirus
  • BIOS Setup/How to use
  • MS-Word
  • MS-Excel
  • MS-OneNote
  • MS-Access
  • MS-Outlook
  • MS-PowerPoint


  • History of Internet
  • Creating Webpage
  • Mailing
  • Password Recovery
  • Link Downloading
  • Online Form Filling
  • Surfing /Browsing
  • Download/Uploading
  • What is Web Service
  • Use of Android App
  • Internet Banking
  • How to use internet in mobile


  • Introduction to HTML
  • Working with HTML tags
  • Creating Lists
  • Working with Images, Video and Sounds
  • Linking, Mapping of Images
  • Working with table
  • Meta tags

One Year Diploma in Computer Application

Basic Windows

  • Introduction to Computer
  • History of Computer
  • Classification of Computer
  • Generation of Computer
  • Components of Computer
  • Input and Output Devices
  • Memory
  • Secondary Storage Device
  • Software Introduction
  • File System
  • Virus and its types
  • Networking
  • Shortcut Keys
  • Introduction to Operating Systems
  • Introduction to Linux, Unix, Windows and Android
  • Installation of Windows xp , Windows 7,8,10.
  • Installation of Linux
  • Data Recovery From Formatted Hard disk
  • Download/Install/Usage of Antivirus
  • BIOS Setup/How to use
  • MS-Word
  • MS-Excel
  • MS-OneNote
  • MS-Access
  • MS-Outlook
  • MS-PowerPoint


  • History of Internet
  • Creating Webpage
  • Mailing
  • Password Recovery
  • Link Downloading
  • Online Form Filling
  • Surfing /Browsing
  • Download/Uploading
  • What is Web Service
  • Use of Android App
  • Internet Banking
  • How to use internet in mobile


  • Introduction to HTML
  • Working with HTML tags
  • Creating Lists
  • Working with Images, Video and Sounds
  • Linking, Mapping of Images
  • Working with table
  • Meta tags

Digital Marketing

  • Photoshop
  • Page Maker
  • Corel Draw
  • Image Ready
  • Video Editing
  • Audio Editing
  • Create Animation

C Language

  • Introduction to C Language.
  • Operators
  • Input/Output
  • Decision Control Structures
  • Looping Control Structures
  • Arrays (One and Two Dimensional)
  • Pointers
  • Pointers with Arrays
  • Preprocessor Directives
  • Introduction to Recursion, Functions
  • Function with Pointers
  • Functions with Arrays
  • Structures and Unions
  • Pointers to Structures
  • File Handling
  • Project

Web Designing



  • Introduction to HTML & DTDS
  • Working with HTML Tags
  • Creating Liests
  • Working with Images, Videos & Sounds
  • Linking, Mapping of Images
  • Working with Tables
  • Forms, Frames, Inline Frame
  • Search Engine Friendliness META Tags


  • Understanding Dynamic HTML
  • Working with HTML, CSS & Java Scripts
  • Creating Dynamic Web Pages
  • Using Filters
  • Working with Events

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

  • Getting Started with CSS
  • Text Styling and Other Basics
  • Working with Div Tag
  • Navigation
  • Forms and User Interfaces
  • CrossBrowser Techniques
  • CSS Positioning and Layout


  • Introduction to Java Script
  • Working with If Statements
  • Working with Loops and Arrays
  • Working with Events and Functions
  • Form Validation.



Adobe Photoshop

  • Understanding Graphics
  • Understanding Color Models
  • Layers, Channels & Layer Styles
  • Working with images
  • Photo editing tools
  • Working with 3D tools & filters
  • Color Adjustments
  • Web Template Designing
  • PSD to Html Conversion
  • Slicing

Adobe Flash and Action Script

  • Introduction to flash
  • Color Effects
  • Working with text and images
  • Working with movie clips, buttons and graphics
  • Using Action Script
  • Photo gallery using Action script
  • Forms and linking
  • Adding Audio and video
  • Making website using flash

Adobe Flash Dreamweaver

  • Introduction to Dreamweaver
  • Test Properties, Links, Images
  • Inserting Flash
  • How to design forms, Tables
  • how to create css styles
  • working with photoshop template
  • sample website design

Corel Draw

  • Drawing and Selecting
  • Working with test and images
  • Making logs, ads etc
  • working with tools
  • bitmaps
  • Exporting images

Using GIF Animator

  • Creating Animated Ads/Banners


  • Uploading & Downloading Webpages

Project work

Microsoft .Net

Windows Forms Application
(Visual C#.Net / VB.Net (70-505)

  • .Net EnterpriseArchitecture 4.0
  • OOPs Concepts
  • C# 4.0
  • Common Controls
  • Containers Controls
  • Menu Controls
  • Toolbar Controls
  • Data Controls
  • Component Controls
  • Printing Controls
  • Dialog Controls
  • Custom Controls
  • ADO.Net
  • XML
  • Crystal Reports
  • DLL
  • Setup & Deployment

Advance Topics

  • Multi Threading
  • File Handling
  • Graphics
  • Assemblies
  • Reflection
  • Versioning
  • How to make ZIP Files
  • Delegates & Events
  • Process
  • Inter Operations

Web Base Applications

  • Standard Controls
  • Validation Controls
  • Data Bound Controls
  • Web Parts
  • Security
  • Master Page
  • DLL
  • Web User Controls
  • ADO.Net
  • Custom Controls
  • XML
  • Java Script
  • Web Services
  • Delegates & Events
  • File Handling
  • Collections & Generics
  • State Management
    (Query String, Cookies, View State, Session, Applications, Caching & Profile)
  • Localizations & Globalizatior
  • CSS & Themes
  • Personalization
  • Membership & Roles

Advance Topics

  • AJAX
  • Linq
  • SilverLight 4.O
  • WCF
  • WPF
  • WF
  • Jquery
  • MVC
  • Share Point
  • Telrik
  • Flex

Sql Server 2005 / 2008

  • Stored Procedure
  • Functions
  • Triggers
  • Cursors
  • Views
  • Joins
  • SQL Programming

Stress On These Topics

  • Design Patterns
  • Optimizations
  • Live Projects


Core Php


  • Introduction to PHP
  • PHP role in Worldwide Web Technology
  • PHP Language Fundamentals
  • PHP Basics, Variables
  • Storing & Retrieving information
  • Comparison Operators
  • If, While & For construct in PHP
  • Arrays in PHPwithAttributes
  • Functions in PHP
  • Passing data by reference
  • Variable scope in PHP
  • PHP web forms
  • POST& GETform elements in PHP
  • Embedding forms with PHP code
  • Form Validation in PHP
  • Regular Expressions
  • Guidelines for Secure PHP
  • Magic Quotes
  • Setting default values in forms
  • Processing & Retrieving uploaded files
  • Sending e-mail using PHP with assignment
  • Session handling with assignments
  • Cookie handling with assignments
  • Date & Time
  • File handling in PHP
  • Error Handing in php
  • Reading, Writing & copy files with php
  • using filters & sting functions in php


  • Database Concepts
  • MySQL Data Types
  • PHP Myadmin
  • Creating Tables
  • Auto increment and Primary Keys
  • Inserting values into tables
  • Join Tables, Group, Union and Intersect Concepts

Introduction to AJAX

  • Introduction to Ajax
  • Connecting to server using Javascript
  • Creating an XMLHttp Request object in different browsers
  • Checking the XMLHItp Request object’s ready state property
  • Checking the XMLHttp Request object’s status property
  • Getting data with the XMLHttp Request object.
  • Fetching text data from the server
  • Join Tables, Group, Union and Intersect Concepts.

Advance Php

Object Oriented Programming with Php

  • Introduction of Basics
  • Autoloading Objects
  • Constructors And Destructors
  • Visibility
  • Scope Resolution Operator(::)
  • Static Keyword
  • Class Constants
  • Class Abstraction
  • Patterns
  • Magic Methods
  • Final Keyword
  • Object Cloning
  • Reflection
  • Type Hinting
  • Late Static Binding Object and Referneces
  • Inheritance and interfaces
  • Namespaces
  • Exceptions


  • Introduction to Joomla
  • Installation and configuration
  • Adding Contents
  • Administering joomla
  • Integrating Extensions
  • Creating Extensions(Modules, Components, Plugins)
  • Interfacing with Outside Contents
  • Joomla and Ajax
  • Web Community Features
  • Joomla Ecommerce


  • About Wordpress
  • Installing and Upgrading
  • Dashboard and Settings
  • Working With Contents
  • Importing Contents
  • Themes, Widgets, Plugins
  • User and Roles

Cake Php

  • Introduction to MVC.
  • Installing and Running Cake Php
  • Naming Files and Designing the Database
  • Creating and Customizing Views
  • Working with Contollers and Models
  • Helpers and Routers
  • Vendors


  • Write Less Do More Library
  • Downloading and Including jquery
  • Anatomy of jquery script
  • Dom Architecture
  • Selecting, Decorating and Enchancing
  • Animating and Scrolling
  • Images and Forms
  • Ajax Integration
  • Integrating jquery plugins

Project Work


Core Java


  • Migrating from C/C++ to Java
  • DataTypes, Variables andArrays
  • Operators, Control Statements
  • Objects & Classes
  • Methods and Classes
  • Interface and Access Specifiers
  • Inheritance
  • Packages and Interlaces
  • Inner Classes
  • Exception Handling
  • Multithreading Programming
  • Enumerations, Autoboxing,
  • Annotations, Generics
  • I/O,Applets and other topics
  • Swings
  • String Handling
  • Exploring Java .Iang
  • Java.util part 1:
  • Collections Framework
  • Java.utiI part 2:
  • More Utility Classes

  • Input! Output : Exploring Java I/O
  • Networking
  • Java Database Connectivity
  • The AppletCiasSeS, Event Handling
  • Introducing AWT : Working with
  • Windows, Graphics and Text
  • Using AWT Controls, Layout Managers
  • New I/O Regular Expressions
  • Other Packages

  • UsingLocales
  • Reflection
  • communicating Java with Other Application

Advance java

Advance java(J2EE)

  • J2EE Overview
  • J2EE Architecture & Design Pattern
  • Overview of Different J2EE Technologies(JNDI, JMS, JAVA, MAIL)

  • Servlets as an Improved CGi
  • Servlet Fundamentals /API
  • Generic & Http Serviet
  • Passing Parameters to Serviet
  • Responding to HTTP
  • Interacting with the Internet
  • Working With Forms
  • Different Redirection Techniques
  • Filter, Servlets
  • Event listeners
  • State Management Techniques
  • Security
  • JSP

  • Comparison with JSPVs Serviets
  • JSP Statements
  • Changing JSP Default Base Class
  • Inbuilt Objects
  • Filters, Listeners
  • Passing Parameters to JSP
  • Handling Concurrency Issues
  • Implementing Three TierArchitecture
  • JSP Directives Page, include & Taglib
  • JSP Action Tags
  • JSP Expression Language
  • JSTL
  • Handling Web Site Performance Issues


  • MVC Overview
  • Struts Framework
  • Forms Processing
  • Internationalization ¡n Struts
  • DynaAction Forms
  • Database Connectivity and Connection Pooling
  • Tiles Framework Templates
  • EJB, Servlets and JSP
  • RMI

  • RPC
  • RMI Framework
  • RMI Use and Creating Application
  • Serialization in RMI
  • RMI Pooling
  • RMI and Database Connectivity

  • Types of EJB Components
  • EJB Architecture
  • EJB Container Services
  • EJB Session Beans
  • EJB Entity Bean
  • IDE’s
  • Resource Connection
  • Transaction and Security
  • Stress On These Topics

  • Design Patterns
  • Optimizations
  • Live Projects